Saturday, July 11, 2009

7/11/09 - The Pershing Theater

While there have been great improvements in the overall movie-going experience (i.e., stadium-style seating), there was something grand--something special about going these old local movie houses. At one point, every community had one. Mine was THE PERSHING THEATER at Five Points. It was here at this one-screen theater where I saw great films for the first time like "Back To The Future" and "Brewster's Millions." Today, visiting a local multi-plex just isn't the same; they lack a certain elegance that theaters once possessed. Coupled with skyrocketing admission, inferior films and over-priced concessions (to concede that one, concession prices have always been excessive), you're forced to sit through 15 minutes of trailers for films you'd most likely pass on only to be further disappointed by the actual feature film itself, or the obnoxious jerks on their cell phones...